Greetings, and welcome to Swimtopia for the Forest Knolls Seahawks 2024
Full Swim Team for the 2024 season is $140 for the first swimmer, $130 for the second swimmer, and $120 for the third swimmer. Pre-Team registration is $90 per swimmer. For Forest Knolls Swim Team the maximum combined registration cost per family is $380.
Please note, the cost per swimmer includes the 2024 Seahawk T-Shirt as part of registration. To ensure your name is on the T-Shirt, you MUST register by June 1st. We're excited to see all new and returning swim team members! At registration Pre-Team will have a choice of morning or afternoon (until full)!
This is our 9th year managing the entire swim team through this website which is powered by Swimtopia. When you log in to Swimtopia to register your children for the 2024 season, all of your information will carry over from last season! We'll continue to use this site to manage all aspects of your swim season including volunteer sign up, choosing swimmer's availability for A Meets, choosing swimmer's availability and events for B Meets, checking practice schedules, and signing up to attend and help out with social events.
You'll want to bookmark this page on your phone's browser too! Although you can download the Swimtopia app from the App Store or Google Play, the app does not contain the entire functionality of the website. On the app, you'll be able to view upcoming events and meets, but you can't change your swimmers' availability or choose events for B Meets or volunteer - for that you'll need to log in here.
Registration for the swim team and pre-team is open and available when you see the green "Register Now!" button on this page.
- If you are a returning family, log in to Swimtopia before clicking the "Register Now!" button and all of your information from last season will be pre-loaded. Make any corrections as you fill out the forms.
- If you are new to Forest Knolls Swim Team register your family for swim team by clicking the green "Register Now!" button and following the directions on the Registration form. Enter all members of your family, including your spouse or any other parent/guardian/grandparent that you'd like to have access to swim team information, at the same time. Then, create a Swimtopia account for yourself. Once you have filled out the Registration form, you and your spouse (or any other parent/guardian/grandparent for whom you've entered an email account at registration) will each receive an invitation via email to create separate Swimtopia accounts which will be linked to your family.
- Everyone, send in payment to complete your registration! Directions for payment can be found within the Registration form.